What is Project Perseverance?

Journal Entry #1

Monday 5 February 2018 New: Project Perseverance

I’ve been 31 for a little over a week now. Looking back at my year as a 30-year-old, many things changed. I moved to a different country: from England to the U.S.A.! That was one overarching major change. Now that I’m in my new year and I’ve been in my new Minnesota life for five months now, I have discovered a theme in my life, one that I’ve actually noticed over the past few years, and especially now as I’ve been fighting all the battles associated with change and settling in. 

Photo by Disha Sheta from Pexels

Not only do I need to, but I struggle to…persevere. Probably on a daily basis I want to quit something. I don’t quit, but I usually want to. Life is hard. That’s one guarantee. I am stubborn. I am trying to make changes in my life because I want to grow. When I don’t grow, I am stagnant and the pain of growth, for me, is so much better and more worthwhile of a pursuit.

One area in my life where the struggle to persevere is clearly played out is in my relationship with books, reading, and writing. 

I love books: the smell, look, feel. I love reading! I fall in love with the characters and I love to learn. 

I am a writer. I regularly have narratives of thoughtful essays spinning through my mind– colourful dialogue between characters I’ve only just met darts about my imagination.

Enter: Project Perseverance

I am committing to read books in their entirety, pressing on toward that last page. I am committing to read for pleasure and to read to learn. I am committing to writing regularly about each of the books I endure and enjoy in my year as a 31-year-old. I am excited to give value to how I spend my time with words.

Photo by Thought Catalog from Pexels

What is something that you struggle to persevere through?

In what areas of your life would you like some more grit?

What activities require an extra dose of encouragement for you?

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