Woodland Musics for Elvish Dancing


“Woodland Musics For Elvish Dancing” by Molly Ovenden

Original. Acrylic on Watercolor Paper. Unframed. Part of the “Scrapings” Collection.

Approximate Dimensions:
11 inches x 15 inches

**Price of this original painting is $250 + tax + shipping.
Please note:
a) Shipping outside of the USA may be significant.
b) Shipping costs will be billed and charged separately from purchase of original painting.

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“Woodland Musics For Elvish Dancing” by Molly Ovenden

Original. Acrylic on Watercolor Paper. Unframed. Part of the “Scrapings” Collection.

Approximate Dimensions:
11 inches x 15 inches

**Price of this original painting is $250 + tax + shipping.
Please note:
a) Shipping outside of the USA may be significant.
b) Shipping costs will be billed and charged separately from purchase of original painting.

How did it get its title?
When I look at this painting I see so much movement. Normally the squares I scrape are a steady line with little to no wavering. But, in this piece there are several wobbles and undulations that invoke a sense of movement–different from the linear pieces that usually come into existence. Then, since the dominant colors are brown and green, I knew this was happening among trees. And with a secret amount of metallic gold, it felt the richness of ancient Elvish wisdom.

Something I love about this painting is…
Every square is entirely different. My eyes keep moving to observe the stories dancing in each square. While I cannot and deliverately choose not to be in control of the outcome–this is an experiment in freedom from control, I love how cohesive it feels. I love the two squares on the outside of the middle row; like elves dancing, swaying their hips in time. The bottom right square has an especially pleasing-to-me texture and shape of the lift off. I’m really excited about this piece.


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