How to Find Time to Write Even When You’re Busy

It can be hard to find time to do something you would really like to do, but feel like you don’t have enough time to do. I have been there. I have said just that…admittedly, I still sometimes say that. I don’t have five hours to devote to writing a book. I can’t be in a string quartet because I can’t make it to all of the concerts. I don’t know what my work schedule will be like so I won’t sign up for that class. The truth is that we make time for what is important.

When I was in school, I remember that the kids who were involved in band, speech, debate, athletics, choir, honors classes, etc. were usually excelling at most, if not all of these subjects and activities. They knew what was important and they made time for it. They didn’t simply “just try harder” and go about their days, they used their schedules and planned accordingly. I’m a writer, so it really helps me to write tasks in a list, what I plan to do in the day and at certain times. Figure out why you want to write and whether it is really as important to you as you think that it is.

Photo by Suzy Hazelwood from Pexels

Maybe you really do have a lot on your plate that spending a large amount of time at once is not feasible. I totally relate to that. Here are some ideas on how to find time to write even when you’re busy.

  1. Write during a break: If your job offers you break for lunch or mid-morning or mid-afternoon, use that time to write. Instead of getting together with the group of colleagues around the water cooler, lock yourself in your office and write. You can even take a walk outside for a few minutes to brainstorm ideas of what to write. I used to work at a coffee shop and we were allowed a ten minute break. Yikes! That always went really quickly no matter what I did. But, when I spent those ten minutes writing, I had a sense of accomplishment that carried into the second half of my shift. I also had the imagination that carried into the rest of my work day.
  2. Write (during AND) when you finish your work day: Use writing as a transition activity from work to home. There will be a sense of relief of escaping from your job into a world that you have created (fiction or non-fiction) which takes you far away from the reality of your just-finished work day. I worked in a machine shop on an assembly line with automated machines for awhile. I was fast enough that I caught up to the machine and had a few seconds between parts. My boss allowed me to have a piece of paper and pen at my workstation next to me while I worked. During those few seconds, I jotted down phrases to jog my memory. Then, when I got home from work, I have a page full of writing prompts that I had spent all day anticipating writing more fully.
  3. Write while you travel: I used to ride the bus to get to my job. I’ve also had trips that meant I traveled by train and on airplanes. Sometimes I would feel travel sick if I looked down for any length of time, but mostly I felt fine. This means that I’ve actually written quite a few words while I have been traveling. It is easy to catch up on text messages, emails, group chats, shows, etc. while you have a moment sat down, but writing instead could be a good choice.
  4. Write instead of time wasting activities: I hesitate to suggest this one. I love watching lots of episodes or my favorite shows on streaming services or tv. I claim often that it is for research for my writing and art. I love to notice the costume and set designs. I notice the stage directions, the placement of the vase on the shelf, the books on the table, the color of their shirts and the moods of the characters. I love trying to discover what those extra details are meant to communicate because I want to be able to communicate these things in my own writing. Yet, I know I can get into a bingeing spiral of entertainment that turns into numbing and then shame and then numbing again when I reach the one too many episodes. So, if you’re like me and you spend lots of time in front of a screen consuming, I wonder if you might watch “just one less” instead of “just one more” and then use that episode length of time to create instead of consume.
  5. Write in small gaps wherever you get them:
    *Keep a notebook by your bed to record your dreams or before bed or first thing in the morning thoughts.
    *Keep one in the bathroom–it’s not like you have anywhere else to be.
    *Write standing next to the microwave while your TV dinner heats up (or cup of coffee for the third time).
    *Set a timer for five minutes and jot down everything that comes to mind when you take a break from daily activities.
    *Get a gratitude journal for the living room coffee table, or a one-line diary.
    *Have a notebook, or simply use a note on your phone, in your bag so while you wait in line at the grocery store or to pick up your children from school, you can jot down a few notes to elaborate on later.
Photo by Miesha Maiden from Pexels

If you need a little inspiration for what to write (without feeling overwhelmed!), sign up for this sweet freebie I made with you in mind.

And, if you want a little more, I’ve got an amazing free Facebook group, “Creative Writing: Making it a Habit.

It’s a group for creative writers and my goal is to create a supportive community where we can all grow into the creative writers we’ve dreamed of becoming. I’ll be sharing tips for making creative writing a habit and overcoming barriers toward writing and creative expression. I think you might find it very valuable. I’d love to have you join here, if you’re interested.

Still not sure what to do? Why not try a couple ideas–schedule them in your calendar–and see what works well. Then, do more of that. Whatever doesn’t seem to work for you, then drop it.

Better yet? Book a Discovery Call today! 🙂 We can talk about your creative writing goals. Maybe working together with me as your creative writing coach could be your next great decision!

What works for you to write when you’re busy? Tell me in the comments.

Is Your Inner Critic Affecting Your Creativity in Your Writing?

I am going to take a not-so-wild guess and say that your answer is “Yes!” The Inner Critic can be a loud jerk shouting mean words at us or it could be low frequency whisper that raise doubt and suspicion about our ability to write or, in extreme cases, our right to take up space. The Inner Critic is a shame-mongering champion cage fighter. I know this firsthand and deal with it as I write this blog post. I’ve read other writers’ accounts of their Inner Critic battles. I also have heard from writing students over the years how they struggle with it.

One student asked me for help, “I get criticism from family for prioritizing writing over household chores. It has gotten to the point that I often hear my Inner Editor saying that I should be doing chores instead of writing.”

I was so glad that this student reached out for help to get their writing going. These are really important issues that they have raised. Our Inner Critic can often become an imagined monster of a real human who has been in our lives who said something to us that hurt.

I can list several negative voices that have fueled my Inner Critic:
1. My kindergarten teacher told me I chose wrong during free choice time and that it was not my turn to paint, after all.
2. My dad told me to pursue any career that would make lots of money and he told me out of the blue one day that I would be a starving artist.
3. A mentor told me that I must be doing it all wrong because there’s no way that I’m selling as many paintings as I said that I am.

Photo by Daisy Anderson from Pexels

This all begs me to answer the questions, “Who is in your life?” and “What are you listening to?” Check out the post I wrote about asking yourself five questions to unlock creativity in your life. Read it here.

Some suggestions that I can give to encourage your writing habits:

1. Keep writing affirmations about your identity as a writer. You are at a fragile stage now when you need to continually remind yourself that writing is a great use of time and that it is a gift. Writing can also be a form of therapy for some people and crucial to one’s well-being. It can be as important for some as eating, going for a walk to exercise with fresh air, or meeting with a friend to chat so you remember that you’re loved and that you belong. Writing can be crucial in maintaining a healthy form of escapism as you create a world to live in for a break in your imagination. It can also be a way that you can journal and find out your beliefs–or that you discover how you feel about something based on how one of your characters reacts!

2. Do it afraid. Your Inner Critic and Editor is there all the time. I think it takes more than just ignoring it. I think it’s actually important to acknowledge that it’s there, but let it know that you’re choosing to write anyway and choosing to believe that you’re a writer. Perhaps redefining certain times and types of writing, too, could help. Maybe you designate morning times of writing for your playful freewriter to come out and have fun, and then in the afternoon or evening it’s the editor’s turn to comb through what you wrote that morning or last week.

3. Do your writing in secret, if you have to, for a season. Often when we make changes to our own lives it upsets the homeostasis of our environment and others around us can feel threatened by our change because change is hard for people. They may fear losing you, they may fear losing control over you as you gain freedom and identity and self-confidence in your writing, they may fear that they will be forced to change when they don’t want to. Your safety is important. Please make sure that you are safe in your home or that you seek help if you need it. 
But, if it means that you loudly and visibly do your chores and then later you quietly retreat with your door closed (to a local coffee shop or bookstore) and ‘clean your room’ or ‘do some errands’ or ‘have quiet, alone time,’ then do that. Get up early, ‘go to bed’ early, write during meals (or instead of eating and then eat while you do something else).

4. Join a writing group. When we are in isolation the negative voices can be louder than ever because we don’t have other options to listen to or to drown it out. On healthy and strong days this might not be a problem, but on weak and tired and lonely days (I’ve had lots of those over the years), negativity can be a spitting tyrant refusing to be silenced. This is when the kind words, the community, compassion, connection with a writing group can be really beneficial. Take courage and join a group. There are many writing groups on Facebook or elsewhere online and there are likely groups in your local area, either in-person or meeting virtually. Some might have a membership fee and others might be free. Check your local library, community education catalog, or community center. Whatever the case, being in the company of other writers who “get it” truly is priceless.

Photo by Startup Stock Photos from Pexels

In the end, our Inner Critic will always be present. Whether or not we give weight to its words is a different story. Sometimes acknowledging the fear that is present in the Inner Critic’s words can be the key to growth and getting words on a page. Other times, you might be able to have a conversation with your family member or friend who has instigated the negative voices and given your Inner Critic the demoralizing script to read from–it won’t necessarily be easy, but it could be helpful to explain what writing means to you and why you want to prioritize it. Even other times it might simply be your best bet to take action and do what needs to get done and not worry about what other people think. I know this is not always the easiest and in fact, it can be quite challenging, but I think that it is worth it to get creative freedom!

What are some tricks you use to combat the incessant ramblings of the Inner Critic?
Leave me a comment, please! 🙂

Flash Fiction Just For Fun Prompt: “Today is Monday…”

This is a flash fiction piece of writing I did from a prompt in a creative writing online group I am part of. The group encourages short, daily writing by posing a prompt in the morning every day. The idea is that you write about 100-300 words (flash, or short) fiction in a few minutes of writing session and post your draft for accountability fun for others to read. The idea is to freewrite and get a mini-story out of your mind and onto paper. It doesn’t have to be perfect, merely out to live its own life.

This prompt was for the first line: “Today is a Monday and tomorrow will be Wednesday.”
Here is what I wrote…

“Today is a Monday and tomorrow will be Wednesday.” The loudspeaker crackled. 

“Which particular Monday is it?” Gabby asked the air. “Because I really enjoyed the Monday when we took over the St. Louis Park Stellar Zone.” 

The bowl of popcorn nearly fell out of Craig’s laugh–he’d been stuffing his face. His new diet, he wanted to let people know, starts on Tuesday. “Does this mean that I can keep eating?” 

Gabby shook his head in her hands, trapping some popcorn crumbs between his puckered lips. “No, Craig. It means that we have to go to Master Cristoff to ask for the tagelator razor again.” 

Craig’s eyes widened. “I don’t like the tagelator razor.” 

“Neither do I, Craig. Neither do I,” said Gabby.

They stood up together, Gabby taking Craig’s dull, scaly hand in her reddened left paw, Wednesday clipboard in her reddened right paw, and they sluffed over to the door labeled, “Tomorrow.” 

Just another day in the office.

Photo by Ivan Bertolazzi from Pexels

Would you like writing inspiration sent to your email inbox? Sign up here.

Would you like something a bit more substantial? I have one year of daily creative writing prompts for sale here. You can hear from me daily in your inbox encouraging you to spend 10 minutes a day writing. Intrigued? Get your 365 Creative Writing Inspiration here and start your creative writing habit ASAP.

How to Use a List to Generate Writing Prompts

Using a list can be an effective way to generate writing prompts for yourself for poetry, fiction, or life story writing. Just like when we write a shopping list to make sure we remember what to purchase at the grocery, we can also lists of many kinds to inspire our writing times.

Photo by Suzy Hazelwood from Pexels

There are several ways you can incorporate writing lists in your day-to-day writing life.

1. Reflect on whom you’ve significant spent time with over the last week (at least an hour) and write notes on who was with you, what you did or talked about, where you were, how you felt. You can use the people as inspiration for characters, where you were as a starter for describing your setting in your current writing, or your conversation and how you felt as prompts for practicing incorporating dialogue.

2. Keep a food journal. Sometimes a nutrition coach or medical doctor may ask you to keep a food journal, too. Using it as a writing prompt generator might look like recording what you ate, how you prepared it, notes using all five senses, how you might alter the recipe, where you’d like to eat next, who was with you, what other food you thought or talked about while you ate, etc. Writing about food can inspire you because it can engage all of your senses and it’s something that most people can relate to.

3. List specific events in a timeline of your last 24 hours. Start by writing 7pm, 6pm, 5pm, etc. till 6pm yesterday in a column on the left of your page. Once you’ve made the list, then you can choose one hour that stands out to you to write about in more detail. After you do that once, you might choose another hour to freewrite about, or you might choose to stick with your current prompt and select a refined moment from your first part of freewriting.

For example (your 24-hour list might look something like this): 
6-7pm – Made stir fry dinner, talked to Max, listened to podcast, started class
5-6pm – Class prep, emails 
4-5pm – Read “The Bookwoman of Troublesome Creek”, talked to Sandi
3-4pm – Talked to England friends
2-4pm – Talked to England friends
1-2pm – Worked on Em’s commission circle painting, Lucy’s birthday video
12-1pm – Put groceries away, ate lunch, listened to podcast
11am-12pm – Grocery shopping
10-11am – Art talks with Kelly
9-10am – Art talks with Kelly
8-9am – Get ready for the day, drive to Kelly’s
11pm-8am – Sleeping
10-11pm – Watching Supergirl with Max
9-10pm – Watching Supergirl with Max
8-9pm – Prep and eat dinner & watching Supergirl with Max
7-8pm – Strength training, stretching, showering

Generating lists can help you find inspiration for characters you are developing in a piece of fiction for a novel or short story. Lists might also help you remember a moment in time and bring you back to a vivid image you would like to capture in a poem. Using your life of mundane tasks might yet inspire you to find specific details, all five senses, or moments of conversation that you might otherwise forget, but could include in a memoir piece or personal essay. However you use a list to generate prompts, I hope that you are inspired to make creativity a habit in your everyday writing life.

Want free inspiration for your creative life delivered regularly to your email inbox? Sign up here.

What are some other lists you could generate to get inspiration for writing prompts? Let me know in the comments!

Happy writing!

How to Make Freewriting Work for You

What is freewriting? Freewriting is a tool that writers often use to kickstart creative thought. It’s like doing leg swings or dynamic stretching warmups before heading out on a long run. It’s like practicing tongue twisters before a big speech or theatre performance.

Freewriting is just that: free and writing. It is all about conquering the fears of the blank page by simply getting words, whether they are weak or powerful, down on the page. Sometimes we can feel stuck in our creativity, like we’re in a slimy mud pit, void of creativity. Often we can worry that we do not have anything valuable to say, so we wait until we feel like what we have to say is “good enough.” Sadly, this leaves so many profound and thoughtful ideas left unwritten, unshared, uninspired.

Photo by Tirachard Kumtanom from Pexels

When you feel blocked as a writer, or even on any project whether you’re a civil engineer building bridges, or a great neighbour building relational bridges, the act of writing one word after the next to get something out can release the floodgates and at the very least, bring inspiration when you have words out that you have something to work with.

What are you listening to? This is a question that goes beyond the surface. Many of us have negative voices from our past that told us we couldn’t do this or we’d never accomplish that, or this creative endeavour is a waste of time because you can’t make that much money doing it. Or, maybe you listen to your own limiting beliefs and tell yourself a story that’s just as unhelpful.

When we write, there can be a fight that we wrestle through each time, or we can simply get something out. We can acknowledge our Inner Critic or Inner Editor who says it’s not perfect yet and let it know you hear it and acknowledge that its ideas are valid. But, right now is time for first thoughts and fresh, crazy ideas to come out to play from your five-year-old self and that, in a little while, after the playing, then the Critic and Editor can come and hone and craft the playful words into something polished.

Photo by Bich Tran from Pexels

So, open up a new word document or grab a pen and notebook, set the timer for ten minutes and simply write. Keep your pen flowing, your keyboard clicking and let whatever words present themselves come out as rubbish or bizarre as they might be. Know that you can trust your instinct with words to play for ten minutes, knowing that afterward, your editor can edit.

Happy Writing!

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What are your most common barriers when it comes to sitting down to write?

Leave me a comment. 🙂