Peach Fuzz & Fire 🔴 sold –Peach Fuzz & FireOriginal. Acrylic. Matted & Framed. 11 x 9 inchesBecome a Collector:Click Here to View Gallery + Purchase ArtListen to “Peach Fuzz & Fire” here.How did it get this title? I love peaches and their fuzzy squish. The edges of each of these squareish scrapes are not sharp–they have a gentle fuzz. The lift-off of paint is minor and creates just an edge of blue, like the spherical, though fuzzed edge of a peach. And, the colors are similar to peaches I’ve enjoyed eating. Oh–and, especially the top right square looks like flames to me!Something I love about this painting…is that it has orange and peach and dusty mauve colors. They weren’t colors, at the time of painting this piece, that I usually chose to include. But, when someone viewed an exhibit of mine, they shared an observation: Molly, you don’t really paint with orange, do you? I hadn’t realized! So, I started to introduce warmer colors and this is such a fun result! I also experimented by off-setting the scrapes: I love the experience of how the negative space changes.“Peach Fuzz & Fire”A Poem By: Molly Ovendengushing juicesof fruits in season,tapping toes giddyin queues eternal–that sweetness,so worth it,a delicious reason!oh, to eat them:these long-awaitedpeaches, drippingtastebud joy.encircled by friends,sharing slurps,laughing storiesaround a starry-skiedcrackling summer fireeveryone praysshan’t ever end…Try this: Take a couple of slow breaths to become present in this moment and invite Holy Spirit to come while you observe this painting, “Peach Fuzz & Fire.”What do you notice about the textures the paint makes in this piece?God, why am I drawn most to this particular type of texture?Consider the descriptions alongside the piece–what the artist loves and where the title comes from: How does connecting with the artist through her words create meaning as you experience this painting?God, where might I be longing for fire to be rekindled? Or extinguished?Abba, Father, thank You for loving me as I spend time seeking You now. Related Share via: Facebook Twitter LinkedIn More Published by Molly Ovenden Hello! I'm Molly Ovenden! As a Creative Writing Coach, Professional Writer, Teacher, & Visual Artist, I help people just like you BECOME The Writer you've dreamed of being. It's a privilege to be with you on your creative journey. I love circles, coffee, tea, Jesus, running and making creativity a habit. I'm married to my bearded Englishman carpenter, Max (yes, he has a delicious accent and yes, that's part of what won me over to be his wife!) and we live in Northern Minnesota, USA. So glad that you've joined me here. Book a Discovery Call today with Creative Writing Coach: View all posts by Molly Ovenden