Ephemeral Iridescence

🔴 sold – Ephemeral Iridescence
Original. Acrylic. Matted & Framed.
10 x 10 inches

Listen to “Ephemeral Iridescence” here.

How did it get this title? According to lexicom/com Ephemeral, is defined as “lasting for a short time…(chiefly of plants) having a short life cycle” and iridescence, defined as “Showing luminous colors that seem to change when seen from different angles.” Noticing beauty in nature is really important to me; sometimes it is fleeting, but the beauty in nature is always a gift from God.

Something I love about this painting is…the pastel shades and the way that each of these four squares in this “Scraping” create the white, negative space of the white canvas paper, creating a cross that’s slightly at a jaunty angle.

“Ephemeral Iridescence”
A Poem By: Molly Ovenden

trying to catch
a leprechaun
left a trail:
golden glitter
through each hall
then gone

trying to recall
a dream
left a whisper
strange memory
through the mind
then gone

trying to hold
a hope
left a yearning:
yet unanswered
through caverns of grief
then gone

trying to kindle
a friendship
left a sweetness:
imprinted the soul
through lifetimes of love
–a season ephemeral, 
fleeting though valued
–a grace iridescent,
glimmering through raised palms

Try this:
Close your eyes and take a couple of deep breaths. Then, open your eyes and pause for another couple breaths as you look at this painting called, “Ephemeral Iridescence.”

Which part are you drawn to most: The vertical or horizontal space between squares? Or, the space where the paint is?

God, why might this particular detail stand out to me today?

What do you notice about your emotional reaction to these shades of colors?

God, what might You want to say to me about these colors?

Thank You, God, for being with me in this moment of reflection.