5 Actions That Help My Body Write Writing is a purely intellectual pursuit. I strongly disagree with this statement. Of course a lot of writing requires thought processes, but I’ve found that there are a lot of physical processes that for me to find success during writing sessions. Longevity of my author career is really important to me so that I can reinforce who I believe I am made to be: someone who creates for a living…primarily through words.Because I’ve realized that I want to have a creative career, I need both my mental and my emotional health in tip top shape. When I don’t sleep well and rely on coffee to fuel me or when I don’t leave the house (where I work in my in-home studio and writing space), my mental and emotional health suffer. Being physically active is hugely beneficial to my own writing life.As a result, I regularly do things that impact my body in a positive way so I can write and bring entertaining, joy and hope-filled, educational words to readers around the world.Here are five physical activities I regularly take part in to help my body write:1. RunI am a marathon runner. I began my running life in elementary school against my will having to suffer the mile run in gym class on rainy days and do laps in the sweaty gymnasium. When I reached my mid-twenties I began running to travel more quickly (my feet were my transportation and I was bored of walking). After a short while, I actually fell in love with running (I also used to think people who “love running” were lying to me).When I run, I restore the connection between my mind and body. When I write or sit at my computer all day and “forget” or otherwise neglect to run, my mind has a tendency to run on its own in an unhealthy way. Running bring head, heart, body all together. Running is also a social time for me when I see people in my running group. I also find my awareness to my five senses is heightened. More awareness of my senses makes for better writing.Since I am a distance runner, I find that there are so many parallels between the perseverance to physically run my 5k, 10k, half marathon, marathon race, and respective training and the writing life–especially the book writing, publishing, marketing aspects. It’s all a long-game view and running provides a lot of writing material.2. YogaSimilar to running, yoga brings a reconnection to my mind, body, heart. When I am in the writing space, I can be far away from wherever “here” is when I write. But yoga requires me to focus my mind on what my body is doing, so my mind does a helpful reset. For me, yoga is also like running in that they are both spiritual practices.Faith is really important to me and when I spend time running, stretching after running, or strengthening my core with yoga, I’m also connecting to God. I’m inviting the Holy Spirit into my day and moments of practice in the quiet and I’m asking my friend Jesus to run with me or to help my mind be at peace. While yoga is meditative and a tool to help me let go in prayer and give God any anxious thoughts in exchange for His peaceful thoughts, there is also a pure physical process to yoga that really helps my body to write, too. Yoga strengthens and grows lean muscles and my core, too which is important for running efficiently (which helps my writing life), but also to sit properly at my desk, to sleep well for my mind to be clear, and to make space for creative thoughts.3. Physical therapyPhysical therapy is something I began out of necessity because I had some balance issues we thought were my equilibrium, but ended up being a strain on my neck and shoulders. Yes, yoga is a pure physical improvement to my body. Sitting at a computer or bending my head over to write in a notebook can bring physical strains. However, there are some exercises I turn to in the realm of yoga or pilates that were given to me by my physical therapist, massage therapist, and chiropractor. When I take time to stretch my wrists and hands, my forearms are healthier. When I take time to stretch my hips, my lower back is looser. When I take time to stretch my chest and shoulders, my neck is less strained.When I don’t take time to stretch or do my physical therapy exercises because I feel too busy, I actually slow myself down and prevent myself from making the progress in my writing life that I want to make because it can become too painful, and actually physically stuck that it’s difficult to write.4. Breathing There are many physical benefits of breathing. We know this because it’s an involuntary action for most: breathing literally keeps us alive. There are other benefits, too. Deep and slow breathing increases lung capacity for oxygen which means blood cells have more oxygen to function and this increases the strength of our immune system. Not only the immune system is improved, but also our muscles can be more relaxed with deep breathing. Sleep improves with intentional breathing practices because the involuntary breathing becomes more efficient. I’ve found that taking rhythmically slow, deep breaths, when I breathe out slowly I can reduce stress.Intentional breathing also helps me to focus. Being distracted when I write means less productivity and less articulated in my writing. Breath work allows me to focus on my breath and also helps me reinforce the habit of focusing on whatever task is on hand. The practice of focusing on the sound of my inhales and exhales and how each movement of breath impacts my body increases my awareness to details. Noticing details allows writing with specificity, which results in writing more authentically.5. Drinking waterOur bodies are made up of water, so if we don’t replenish what we use, things get sluggish and sticky. I know when I don’t drink enough water I get distracted by dry and chapped lips and I can get stomach aches and head aches from not being hydrated. This distraction prevents efficient writing.Because dehydration is known for causing dizziness, fatigue, and memory loss (among other things), being sufficiently hydrated means creativity will improve. I know first hand how trying to force myself to be creative and productive tends to backfire when I don’t give myself the fuel needed. My brain feels like it’s trudging sluggishly and no sparkles of creativity come out. And I think the biggest one that I notice when I am drinking sufficient quantities of water is that my memory improves and I don’t waste time trying to force myself to remember what’s going on.In conclusion…There are so many routines we can put in plan to ensure creativity and writing are completed in the most delightfully efficient manner. For me running, yoga, physical therapy, breathing, and drinking water are necessary basic needs I miss when I don’t make them each a priority.Another way I choose to support my creativity is by being part of communities of people who are working toward a similar goal and lifestyle as I am. It’s immensely helpful to have a common goal and common understanding. In large part this comes from the support from not only my writing groups, but also my coaches and mentors.Everyone benefits from working with a coach. That’s why I have coaches in various areas of my life and that’s why I am a coach. If you would like more information about what it’s like to work with me as your creative writing coach, get started today with a strategy call. You may find you’re ready to write in community and have support in a group setting with other writers like you wanting to make significant progress, join the BECOME the Writer paid membership is great fun.Happy writing!