Such Tall Trees as These

“Such Tall Trees as These” by Molly Ovenden

Original. Acrylic on Watercolor Paper. Unframed. Part of the “Scrapings” Collection.

Approximate Dimensions:
11 inches x 9 inches

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b) Shipping costs will be billed and charged separately from purchase of original painting.

How did it get its title?
When I look at these streaks of paint, the way that the green opens up to brown reminds me of lying on my back and looking up the trunk of some old tree, mesmerized by the fluttering leaves in a gentle breeze. And I don’t really know what exactly that it is, but something feels old and draws me in with a sense of wonder that these have stood for and through the ages.

Something I love about this painting is…
the emerald green in the bottom right square. There’s something grounding in the left side with all of the brown gathering there–and then, the green lifts the right of the page. The varied lines of paint streaking in that bottom right square appear like light coming through a green, precious gem–and kind of like how sunlight comes translucent through leaves. It makes me feel hopeful.

One more thing…
(Here’s a draft of a little something I wrote, inspired by this piece.)

“Such Tall Trees as These”
a piece by Molly Ovenden

Oh, what wondrous wisdom
These trunks have gleaned,
And storms they’ve weathered:
The sheen of their leaves
Annually renewing luster
From dews in springtimes fresh.

Stretch tallest to heaven,
Blue sky summers of
Self-discovery, insightful
Adventures embarked upon,
Beneath such tall trees as these.

Oh, what warmth they could burn!
Oh, what oxygen they give to breath!
Centuries of roots dig deep,
Generations of branches have leaned.

But, what could be coming
As such trees like these reach?
Perhaps their tall leaves
Inspire strength, resilience?
How might they speak to me?
What wisdom could be released
If I simply rested in the grass
And listened patiently to:
Such tall trees as these?